Monday, June 24, 2013

Idiot Rant

In the news recently I saw a video of Bill Cunningham telling Tamara Holder to "know [her] role and shut [her] mouth." All I could think was. "You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Every time I begin to see the glimmer of hope in society some asshat goes and spoils it for me. I didn't even find this part of the program to be the most offensive. Why do we give so much screen time to shouting morons? I may be biased, but I rarely (not to say never) find liberals shouting unfounded claims over the person they are meant to debate, calling names like stooge, fascist, or telling another human being to shut up and stick to their "role" in society. I am so sick and tired of people (Bill O'reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent I'm lookin' at you) acting like bullies thinking that some how if they yell louder what they are saying is any more true or accurate. You just look like an insecure dickbag. Then people say Piers Morgan is a "pussy" no, he's relatively polite and does his best not to start a shouting match which no one wants to listen to. You may have some good points (though I doubt it) but the second you start shouting and violently thrusting your finger in another person's face I write you off, then and there. You have shown me that you have no control and I can no longer trust your opinion as being valid enough to waste my time on. On another note, I would love to know what Mr. Cunningham thinks a woman's "role" entails. I am sure it would be great for a good chuckle. The sad part is he isn't the only person (notice I didn't say man) out there with these antiquated ideas on a woman's place in the world. If you are a man and you are stupid enough to believe garbage about women having limited intellegence, or being too emotional, or going bat shit crazy on a full moon if it is their third menses of a leap year or any other ridiculous claim that aims at making women less than capable of informed decisions then I say to you as politely as I possibly can muster, "You Sir, can go fuck yourself." I refuse to believe in all your experience leading up to being a middle aged politician every woman you met was a psyco, ditsy, baby maker with no ability to understand logic like the men folk do. This is an excuse you put out to pad your ego and keep our country stuck in the past. And if you are a woman who has been spoon-fed this load from childhood I pity you deeply, and beg of  you to pull your head out of the sand and inform yourself. You are incredibly powerful if you would just realize your potential. No one has any rights to your body or mind except you. Women do not let your daughters grow up with these same self-limiting beliefs. Fuck the glass ceiling, if you teach her it is there she will always be looking out for it, instead teach her she is already above it and just as good as any good'ol boy who is already a member of the club. I like the slogan that women are the most valuable untapped resource in the world. It is true we are only using a mostly male fraction of our adult population and in this great time of need for social and government change we need all the help we can get. I also want to say that I LOVE men, I have been blessed with having exceptionally great men as grandfathers, fathers, brother, cousins, friends and lovers and so I find this other breed to be all the more disturbing. They really try hard to spoil the bunch. So, to the good men out there if you come in contact with (and you will) any of these blowhards please do yourself and every woman a favor and lead by example. Show them what real men stand for. They stand for equality for every person, charity, justice, compassion, peace, and when peace is no longer an option kicking serious ass. What this country needs is more men and women in politics who truly look out for the people, not their bank accounts. What is worse, is I couldn't even begin to tell you how to fix the world we live in. I can tell you being informed, finding and electing truly GOOD people is where it has to start.

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