Monday, July 8, 2013

Fine News Stations for False or Misleading Reporting

I wish there was a way to regulate the news media like they do professional athletes. It is basically impossible to trust the reporting of any major news network. I'm not talking about getting in the way of reporting or freedom of speech or expression but if an anchor/station is reporting something that is alleged, or not yet confirmed they should make that clear. There is so much speculation that is offered up as fact that it really muddles things. So, if a news channel reports something that is later found to be untrue and unfounded then they should be fined. It seems like in the rush to be the first to report they don't even care if it is accurate. I feel like you can change channels and see very contradictory reporting so then you have to dig around the internet to find out who is more correct. Now, obviously in emergency situations this system could be lifted in the interest of public safety. Also, when things need to be retracted they shouldn't just be a little ticker that scrolls across the screen once. Sometimes I feel they say half-truths to be deliberately misleading. Or off to the side they could have a little "Fact Checker" person that could produce evidence to support claims, maybe with a red light meaning risky story not yet confirmed, yellow very likely to be true, and green is factual and confirmed. Haha this has really gotten out of hand. I think it could be time for bed.

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