Friday, July 12, 2013

Abortion and Texas Women

Apparently I have decided to write two posts today... My second is about abortion, women's rights, and the controversial abortion ban in Texas. Oh, yeah and Sarah Slamen a super boss lady. First of all have you seen the video? You know where she rips the Texas Senate committee a new one. They came out looking like tyrant bullies. When Slamen laid into them about what exactly qualified them to be experts on women's reproductive health. Long story short, nothing. They are full of hot air and when she called them out on their complete lack of qualifications they lost their cool. They had her removed from the stand and escorted out. She even said, "This is my government" and boy I used to believe that. I was appalled to see her drug out of that court room. They simply weren't willing to be called out on what fools they are and for everyone to see their facade so rapidly and systematically torn down. This woman deserves a standing ovation for pointing out what a farce this committee is. It scares me that she was forcibly removed, never before have I see an American citizen's rights be violated in such a flagrant manner. My jaw hit the floor. I was ashamed of my country when I saw that. I wonder what our military men and women would feel if they saw one of the most basic rights they defend stripped of a fellow citizen in such a blatant display of disrespect and denial. It worries me for the women of Texas and all over this country particularly in traditionally conservative states.

  We are women, we are strong, informed, and we have the power to vote and have our voices heard. I am a catholic convert. I also take birth control and while I don't believe in abortion for myself in the case of an unplanned pregnancy that is not my choice to make for other women. I can certainly tell you if I were the victim of rape I would most definitely terminate a resulting pregnancy. If I were to have a child with a severe birth defect such as Tay-Sachs or Sirenomelia I would end the pregnancy because I believe it to be the most merciful option. Because of my religious beliefs I feel while it may be a sin on my part and it would be a heartbreaking choice, that baby would be innocent and would obviously go to heaven where it would not suffer as it would if it were to be born into this world. That choice would be between me and my God and no one else should have any say in the matter. I don't agree with the proposed bill in TX which would limit abortion providers to only 5 centers state wide. That is absurd. What I find frightening is that Republican Jodie Laubenberg (TX) who opposed amendments to the ban apparently thinks that rape kits "clean a woman out" basically like a "d & c" and therefor makes up for closing all but 5 abortion clinics. WRONG wrong WRONG. I was ashamed for this woman. As a state representative, an adult, and even more as a woman I expect you to know better. I bet her and Todd Akin get along great with their mythical ideas of how a woman can prevent pregnancies resulting from rape. Get out of the government if you couldn't even pass a semester of high school sex ed. Yes if you are raped they do a rape kit, they swab for DNA, and give you antibiotics to try and prevent contracting and STD's or STI's. In some cases you may be offered the Plan B emergency contraceptive but that is not part of the rape kit, you likely will have to come out of pocket for the cost, and the real shocker that is nothing even close to a D&C (Dilation and Curettage) procedure. Shame on you Jodie Laubenberg for being so ill informed about your bill, and your body. 

What I will now share with you, which may be an unpopular opinion. I SUPPORT BANNING ABORTIONS AFTER 20 WEEKS! Now, with the stipulation barring any medical emergency, miscarriage/death of fetus, new information about the condition of the fetus or possible diseases etc. and of course if say a woman was abducted and raped resulting in pregnancy past the 20 week mark. Twenty weeks is roughly 5 months, if four more weeks the fetus is considered viable. I can not as a woman (once again barring any exigent circumstances) understand why you would intend on having an abortion and just not get around to it for five months? If there is some reason that you can think of why it may be necessary to wait five months for an abortion and yet can't manage to wait another 12 weeks and put the baby up for adoption please enlighten me? Perhaps you don't notice you are pregnant the first 3 months you still  have another 8 weeks to procure an abortion. But at 5 Months you have to endure a two day procedure, first to inject the fetus with a toxin that ends it's life and begin dilating the cervix. Day two under twilight sedation your cervix is dilated, the body is cut into smaller sections and removed through the cervix/vagina. Yes, it is not the same as a full term labor and delivery but at this point it does seem selfish and wasteful. I believe in having sex responsibly and that means if I had unprotected sex, and for whatever reason was not on birth control, taking Plan B, if that didn't work then an abortion is an option but I can't imagine dropping the ball on taking care of it for five months. Anyone have a reason why a 20 week ban as described is should not be enacted? 

If you agree or like my posts at all please follow me on twitter! I would love to know if anyone out there is reading.  

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Sarah Slamen Destroys TX Committee  

Jodie Laubenberg Rape Kit=Abortion 

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